Whether your repair need is church, band, home or commercial related we have got you covered. Basically if you can plug it in and make music or sound with it we probably work on it.
Our specialty is service calls and onsite service ... in other words we come to you.
Bench repair service is also available and we do accept shipped in items from anywhere in the country.
Modern systems can sometimes be quite perplexing and it is rare these days that things remain even remotely the same between one model and the next.
So it is no small wonder that we have customers calling us at their wits end after hours of trying to figure out what goes where and what sub menu what they are looking for may actually be hidden in.
We work with a lot of different systems and have become pretty good at deciphering the secret language of the owner’s manual.
Please note modern systems are far too complex to navigate without the unit in front of us so we only provide onsite service for set up issues.
Please note all work is by appointment, sorry but we cannot accommodate walk ins.